A great toy to have fun with. special thank goes to my brother to bring such kinda stuff. now most of the time we are having fun with it. its a great full functional indoor mini helicopter. Sounds like a mosquito. y im waisting time by typing. here are the Youtube video you can go and watch it. before that check our flier..
Here are some pics of it. It is superb guys.. if you want to waist your time having fun. this is the item you should have
loks cool. what the price?
its basically 12,000 i guess. coz my brother brought it from UK
oh no. i cant spen that much on a toy :D
Believe me or nt, i got one for 12$
oh is it.. im gonna put some more features to my little heli.. :D :d probably a IP Cam soon. then we can have loads of fun
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